Scott Alexander elegantly bridges two of my pet peeves: media and misanthropy.
There are over a billion Chinese people. If even one in a thousand is
a robber, you can provide one million examples of Chinese robbers to
appease the doubters. Most people think of stereotyping as “Here’s one
example I heard of where the out-group does something bad,” and then you
correct it with “But we can’t generalize about an entire group just
from one example!” It’s less obvious that you may be able to provide
literally one million examples of your false stereotype and still have
it be a false stereotype. If you spend twelve hours a day on the task
and can describe one crime every ten seconds, you can spend four months
doing nothing but providing examples of burglarous Chinese – and still
have absolutely no point.If we’re really concerned about media bias, we need to think about
Chinese Robber Fallacy as one of the media’s strongest weapons. There
are lots of people – 300 million in America alone. No matter what point
the media wants to make, there will be hundreds of salient examples. No
matter how low-probability their outcome of interest is, they will never
have to stop covering it if they don’t want to.
I feel this way about a lot of things. The media is always giving us
stories of how tech nerds are sexist in some way or another. But we may
suspect they want to push that line regardless of whether it’s true. How
many tech nerds are there? A million? Ten million? How many lurid
stories about harassment in Silicon Valley have you heard? Do we know if
this is higher or lower than the base rate for similar industries?
Whether it’s going up or down? What it would look like if we actually
had access to the per person rates?
Which reminds me. Suppose you hear about a shocking murder on the news. Or even a shocking mass murder. Assuming you have no personal connection to the victims, how should you react? Well, there are roughly 400,000 murders on Earth per year. That averages out to more than 1000 per day. To me, that leaves two attitudinal choices: Either be endlessly miserable until the carnage ends, or consciously refuse to let 1000 daily murders ruin your day. Social Desirability Bias notwithstanding, I choose the latter course.
Conscience of a Citizen
Sep 18 2015 at 1:41am
Suppose you hear about thousands of people living precariously on $2/day in some faraway country. Assuming you have no personal connection to those people, how should you react? You could spend your savings and free time on telescopic philanthropy, or you could exhort and even try to politically-compel your neighbors to redistribute much of their wealth to distant paupers, or you could consciously refuse to let telegenic foreign poverty ruin your day. Social-desirability-bias notwithstanding, I choose the latter course.
Sep 18 2015 at 5:17am
This is one of the reasons that statistics ought to be on the journalism curriculum as on the medical curriculum.
Sep 18 2015 at 6:11am
ThomasH, statistics is on the journalism curriculum, and I suspect that is the reason media looks so bad nowadays. Purposeful manipulations are a much better explanation of media behavior than ignorance.
Sep 18 2015 at 8:16am
It is wise to take care of one’s own emotional welfare.
Sep 18 2015 at 10:40am
I appreciate the rationality of this post, but there has to be a happy medium between the alternatives presented. We should be able to go on living healthy, happy lives and at the same time carry the burden of knowing how miserable life is elsewhere. It may seem like a delicate (or impossible) balancing act, but simply saying, “Don’t let it ruin your day,” is pretty glib.
Sep 18 2015 at 11:13am
@thomasH. Sadly, just because statistics are included in a curriculum doesn’t guarantee that the students actually usefully employ statistics in the future. Many physicians are horrendous at comprehending statistics (source: I am a physician and witness statistically ignorant decision making daily).
Sep 18 2015 at 12:38pm
@ Conscience
I prefer some of each.
@ Yaakov
If you mean statistics are hard and knowing what sells is easy, I agree.
Chris H
Sep 18 2015 at 2:00pm
Like a lot of interesting ideas circulating on the internet, Scott Alexander already has a blog post on this.
Sep 18 2015 at 3:58pm
The media haven’t so much mastered the science of facts, context, and probabilities, but they have mastered the art of sensationalism, hyperbole, and mankind’s credulity.
David Friedman
Sep 20 2015 at 9:14pm
I had a blog post on it too. A week before Scott’s.
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