The Theory of Political Economy
By William Stanley Jevons
THE contents of the following pages can hardly meet with ready acceptance among those who regard the Science of Political Economy as having already acquired a nearly perfect form. I believe it is generally supposed that Adam Smith laid the foundations of this science; that Malthus, Anderson, and Senior added important doctrines; that Ricardo systematised the whole; and, finally, that Mr. J. S. Mill filled in the details and completely expounded this branch of knowledge. Mr. Mill appears to have had a similar notion; for he distinctly asserts that there was nothing; in the Laws of Value which remained for himself or any future writer to clear up. Doubtless it is difficult to help feeling that opinions adopted and confirmed by such eminent men have much weight of probability in their favour. Yet, in the other sciences this weight of authority has not been allowed to restrict the free examination of new opinions and theories; and it has often been ultimately proved that authority was on the wrong side.There are many portions of Economical doctrine which appear to me as scientific in form as they are consonant with facts. I would especially mention the Theories of Population and Rent, the latter a theory of a distinctly mathematical character, which seems to give a clue to the correct mode of treating the whole science. Had Mr. Mill contented himself with asserting the unquestionable truth of the Laws of Supply and Demand, I should have agreed with him. As founded upon facts, those laws cannot be shaken by any theory; but it does not therefore follow, that our conception of Value is perfect and final. Other generally accepted doctrines have always appeared to me purely delusive, especially the so-called Wage Fund Theory. This theory pretends to give a solution of the main problem of the science—to determine the wages of labour; yet, on close examination, its conclusion is found to be a mere truism, namely, that the average rate of wages is found by dividing the whole amount appropriated to the payment of wages by the number of those between whom it is divided. Some other supposed conclusions of the science are of a less harmless character, as, for instance, those regarding the advantage of exchange (see the section on “The Gain by Exchange,” p. 141). [From the Preface to the First Edition]
First Pub. Date
London: Macmillan and Co.
Pub. Date
3rd edition. Includes Preface by Harriet Jevons.
The text of this edition is in the public domain. Picture of William Stanley Jevons: Photogravure after a photograph of W. Stanley Jevons, taken by Maull & Co., London., courtesy Liberty Fund, Inc.
List of Mathematico-Economic Books, Memoirs, and other published writings.
Remarks upon the purpose and some of the contents of this list will be found in the preface to the second edition of this book.
1711. CEVA (Joanne). De re nummaria quoad fieri potuit geometrice Nactata.
Mantuae. 4to. 60 pp.
1717. MARIOTTE (Esme). Essaie de Logique. Second edition. In collected works.
Leide. See Principe 97 and 11
me Partie, Article III.
1720. HUTCHESON (Francis). An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue.
London. 8vo. (3d Edition, 1729, xxii, 304 pp.)
1728. HUTCHESON (Francis). An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections, with Illustrations on the Moral Sense.
London. 8vo. xxiv, 333 pp.
[1754. FORBONNAIS. Element du Commerce, ch. ix, and
1765. BECCARIA (Cesare). Tentativo analitico sui contrabbandi. Estratto dal foglio periodico intitolato: Il Caffè (vol. i.
Brescia). Custodi’s Scrittori classici Italiani di Economia politica. Parte Moderna, vol. xii, pp. 235-241.
Milano, 1804.
1771. ANONYMOUS. An Essay on the Theory of Money.
London. 8vo. 161 pp. (attributed to Major-General Henry Lloyd).
1776. CONDILLAC (Etienne Bonnot de). Le Commerce et le Gouvernement.
1781. ANONYMOUS (A. N. Isnard). Traité des Richesses.
Londres et Lausanne. 2 vols. 8vo. xxiv, 344, 327 pp.
1786. CONDORCET. Vie de Turgot, pp. 162-169.
1787. English Translation, pp. 403-409.
1792. S0ILIO (Guglielmo). Saggio sull’ Influenza dell’ Analisi nelle scienze politiche ed economiche. (In vol. v of the collection Nuova Raccolta d’opuscoli di Autori Siciliani.
1793. LANG. Historische Entwickelung der Deutschen Steuerverfassung.
1801. CANARD (Nicolas François). Principes d’Economie Politique: Ouvrage couronné par l’Institut.
Paris. 8vo. 384 pp. Reviewed by Francis Horner, Edinburgh Review, No. II.
1801. CANARD (Nicolas François). Mémoire sur la question s’il est vrai que, dans un pays agricole, toute espèce d’impot retombe sur les propriétaires fonciers.
1802. BRISSON (B.) Essai sur la Navigation.
1802. KRÖNCKE (C.) Versuch einer Theorie des Fuhrwerks mit Anvendung auf dem Strassenbau.
Giessen. 8vo.
[1803. SIMONELE (de Sismondi). De la Richesse Commerciale, vol. i, pp. 105-109, etc.]
1804. KRÖNCKE (C.) Das Steuerwesen nach seiner Natur und seinen Wirkungen untersucht.
Giessen. 8vo.
1809. LANG. Ueber den obersten Grundsatz der Politischen Oeconomie.
Riga. 8vo.
[1811. LANG (Joseph). Grundlinien der Politischen Arithmetik. xxii, 216 pp. 8vo.
1815. BUQUOY (G. Graf von). Theorie der Nationalwirthschaft nach einem neuen Plane, und nach mehreren eigenen Ansichten dargestellt.
Leipzig; hierzu 3 Nachräge, 1816-18. 4to. 524 pp.
1824. THOMPSON (T. Perronet). Westminster Review, No. I, vol. i, pp. 171-205. Article on the Instrument of Exchange. (Reprinted in 1830, 27 pp.)
1825. FUOCO (Francesco). Saggi Economici. Prima Serie. 2 tom, 8vo.
Pisa, 1825-27.
1825. CAZAUT. Elémens d’économie privée et publique.
1826. THOMPSON (T. Perronet). On Rent.
1826. THÜNEN (Johann Heinrich von). Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie, oder Untersuchungen über den Einfluss, den die Getreidepreise, der Reichthum des Bodens und die Abgaben auf den Ackerbau ausüben
Hamburg. 8vo. viii, 290 pp.
1829. WHEWELL (William). Mathematical Exposition of some Doctrines of Political Economy. Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. iii, pp. 191-230.
Cambridge. 4to.
1830. Westminster Review. Postscript to Article on Instrument of Exchange. xii, 525-533.
1831. WALRAS (Auguste). De la Nature de la Richesse et de Porigine de la Valeur.
Paris. 8vo. xxiv, 334 pp.
1831. WHEWELL (William). Mathematical Exposition of the Leading Doctrines in Mr. Ricardo’s “Principles of Political Economy and Taxation.” Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. iv, pp. 155-198.
Cambridge. 4to.
1832. LUBÉ (D. G.) Argument against the Gold Standard.
London. 8vo. iv, 192 pp.
[1832. HERMANN (F. B. W.) Staatswirthschaftliche Untersuchungen.]
1838. COURNOT (Augustin). Recherches sur les Principes Mathématiques de la Théorie des Richesses.
Paris. 8vo. xi, 198 pp.
1838. TOZER (John). Mathematical Investigation of the Effect of Machinery on the Wealth of a Community in which it is employed, and on the Fund for the Payment of Wages. Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. vi, pp. 507-522.
Cambridge. 4to.
1839. HAGEN (Karl Heinrich). Von der Staatslehre und von der Vorbereitung zum Dienste in der Staatsverwaltung. Aufsätze gerichtet an angehende Cameralisten, zunächst an seine Herren Zuhörer, von K. H. H.
Koenigsberg. 8vo. 477 pp.
[1839. ELLET (Chas., Jr.) An Essay on the Laws of Trade in reference to the Works of Internal Improvement in the United States. viii, 248 pp. Plate. 8vo.]
1840. ANONYMOUS. On Currency.
London (Charles Knight and Co.) 8vo. viii, 43, xxi pp. (Lubbock, J. W.)
1840. TOZER (John). On the Effect of the Non-Residence of Landlords, etc., on the Wealth of a Community. Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, vol. vii, pp. 189-196.
Cambridge. 4to.
1842. THÜNEN (J. H. von). Der isolirte Staat, etc. Erster Theil.
Rostock. 8vo. xv, 391 pp.
1842. THOMPSON (T. Perronet). Exercises, Political and others. Vol. iii, pp. 295-343. On the Instrument of Exchange. See 1824, Thompson.
1844. DUPUIT (Etienne Juvenal). De la Mesure de l’Utilité des Travaux Publics. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées. 2
e série. Tome viii, pp. 332-375.
Paris. 8vo.
1844. HAGEN (K. H.) Die Nothwendigkeit der Handelsfreiheit für das Nationaleinkommen, mathematisch nachgewiesen.
Koenigsberg. 8vo. 32 pp.
1844. HAGEN (K. H.) System of Political Economy. Translated from the German by John Prince Smith.
London. 8vo. viii, 88 pp.
1844. DE QUINCEY (Thomas). Logic of Political Economy.
Edinburgh, London. 8vo. 260 pp.
1847. BORDAS. De la Mesure de l’Utilité des Travaux Publics. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 1847, 1
er semestre, 2
me série, tome xiii, p. 249.
Paris. 8vo.
1848. MILL (John Stuart). Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to Social Philosophy.
London. 2 vols. 8vo. (Book iii, chapters xvii, xviii. See 3d Edition, 1852, vol. ii, pp. 143, 144.)
1849. ESMENARD DU MAZET (Camille). Nouveaux Principes d’Economie Politique.
Paris. 8vo. ix, 456 pp.
1849. DUPUIT (E. J.) De l’Influence des Péages sur l’Utilité des Voies de Communication. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées. No. 207. 2
e série, 1849, 1
er semestre.
Paris. 8vo. Pp. 170-248.)
1850. MINARD. De l’Usage Gratuit des Constructions établies aux Frais de l’Etat. Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 2
e série, 1
er semestre.
Paris. 8vo. (P. 27.)
1850. LARDNER (Dionysius). Railway Economy.
London. 8vo. (Chapter xiii.)
1850. THÜNEN (J. H. von). Der isolirte Staat, etc. Zweited Theil. Erste Abtheilung. Der naturgemässe Arbeitslohn und dessen Verhältniss zum Zinsfuss und zur Landrente.
Rostock. 8vo. vi, 285 pp.
1850. WHEWELL (William). Mathematical Exposition of Certain Doctrines of Political Economy. Second and Third Memoirs, Cambridge Philosophical Transactions. Vol. ix, pp. 128-149, and Part II, pp. [1-7].
Cambridge. 4to.
1851. ESMENARD DU MAZET. De la Valeur: Lettre à M. J. Garnier.
Paris. 8vo.
1851. DE THÜNEN. Recherches sur l’Influence que le Prix des Grains, la Richesse du Sol, et les Impôts exercent sur les Systèmes de Culture. Traduit par Laverrière.
Paris. 8vo.
1854. WOLKOFF (Mathieu). Opuscules sur la Rente Foncière.
Paris. 8vo. 231 pp.
1854. GOSSEN (Hermann Heinrich). Entwickelung der Gesetze des menschlichen Verkehrs, und der daraus fliessenden Regeln für menschliches Handeln.
Braunschweig. 8vo. 278 pp. See Article on Gossen by Hooper, Journal of the Statistical Society, September 1879. Pp. 727-733.
1855. JENNINGS (Richard, M.A.) Natural Elements of Political Economy.
London. 8vo. 275 pp.
1856. BENNER. Théorie Mathématique de l’Economie Politique.
1856. WOLKOFF (M.) Journal des Economistes, 1856.
1857. DE THÜNEN. Le Salaire Naturel, et son rapport au taux de l’Interêt. Traduit de l’Allemand par M. Wolkoff.
1857. MACLEOD (Henry Dunning). The Elements of Political Economy.
London. 8vo.
1857. BOCCARDO (Gerolamo). Dizionario della Economia Politica e Commercio, etc.
Tarino. 4to. (Vol. ii, pp. 653-659, etc.)
[1859. VAN HOUTEN (S.) Verhandeling over de Waarde.]
1860. DU MESNIL-MARIGNY. Les Libre Echangistes et les Protectionnistes Conciliés. 8vo.
1861. WOLKOFF (M.) Lectures d’Economie Politique Rationelle.
Paris. 12mo.
1862. DE MORGAN (Augustus). Athenæum, 15th November, No. 1829, p. 632.
1862. JEVONS (William Stanley). Notice of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy. Report of the 32d meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Cambridge in October, 1862. Reports of Sections, p. 158.
London, 1863. 8vo.
1862. MACLEOD (H. D.) On the Definition and Nature of the Science of Political Economy. Report of the 32d meeting of the British Association, etc. Reports of Sections, pp. 159-161. Also separately printed, Cambridge and London. 16 pp.
1863. COURNOT (Augustin). Principes de la Théorie des Richesses.
Paris. 8vo. iv, 527 pp.
1863. MACLEOD (H. D.) A Dictionary of Political Economy: Biographical, Bibliographical Historical, and Practical. Vol. i.
London. 8vo. (Article
Credit, p. 567.)
1863. DU MESNIL-MARIGNY. Catéchisme de l’Economie politique basée sur des principes rationnels.
Paris. 18mo. 355 pp.
1863. MANGOLDT (H. von). Grundriss der Volkswirthschaftslehre.
Stuttgart. xvi, 224.
1863. THÜNEN (J. H. von). Der isolirte Staat. Zweiter Theil. Zweite Abtheilung. Der naturgemässe Arbeitslohn, etc.
Rostock. 8vo. ix, 444 pp.
1864. FAUVEAU (G.) Considérations mathématiques sur la Théorie de l’Impôt.
Paris. 8vo. 64 pp.
1865. KNAPP (George Friedrich). Zur Prüfung der Untersuchungen Thünen’s über Lohn und Zinsfuss im isolirten Staate.
Braunschweig. 8vo. 35 pp.
1866. JEVONS (W.S.) Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, June 1866. Vol. xxix, pp. 282-287.
London. 8vo.
1867. COURCELLE-SENEUIL (J. G.) Traité Théorique et Pratique d’Economie Politique. 2
me Ed.
Paris. 8vo. Tome I, livre i, chap. 2.
1867. FAUVEAU (G.) Considérations mathématiques sur la
théorie de la valeur. Journal des Economistes. 3
e série, 2
e année, t. v, pp. 31-40.
1867. BRENTANO (L. J.) Ueber J. H. von Thünen’s Naturgemässen Lohn und Zinsfuss.
Göttingen. 61 pp.
1868. RAU (Karl Heinrich). Grundsätze der Volkswirthschaftslehre. Achte Ausgabe. Erste Abtheilung, p. 368.
Leipzig und Heidelberg. 8vo.
1868. JENKIN (Fleeming). Trades Unions. How far Legitimate. North British Review, March 1858. 8vo. (Footnote.)
1868. WOLKOFF (Mathieu). Précis d’économie politique rationnelle.
Paris. In-18, 329 pp.
1869. FAUVEAU (G.) Etude sur la théorie de l’impôt. Journal des Economistes, 3
e série, 4
e année, t. xiii, pp. 391-403.
1869. FAUVEAU (G.) L’impôt sur le revenu du capital et sur le revenu du travail. Journal des Économistes, 3
e série, 4
e année, t. xvi, pp. 466-468.
1869. SCHUMACHER (H.) Ueber J. H. von Thünen’s Gesetz vom naturgemässen Arbeitslohne.
Rostock. 84 pp.
1870. JENKIN (Fleeming). The Graphic Representation of the Laws of Supply and Demand, and their application to Labour. Recess Studies, edited by Sir Alexander Grant.
Edinburgh. 8vo. (Pp. 151-185.)
1871. JEVONS (W. S.) The Theory of Political Economy. 8vo.
London. xvi, 267 pp.
1871. JENKIN (Fleeming). On the Principles which regulate the incidence of Taxes, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Session 1871-72. (Pp. 618-631.)
1871. FAUVEAU (G.) Rendement maximum de l’impôt indirect. Journal des Economistes. 3
e série, 6
e année, t. xxiv, pp. 445-448.
[1871. MENGER (Carl). Grundsätze der Volkswirthschaftslehre.
[1872. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Kommerzielle Trassirung der Verkehrswege.
1872. MARCHAND (J.) Recherche sur la méthode à adopter pour la discussion des éléments de la statistique. Journal des Actuaires français. T. i, pp. 267-273 and 393-409.
1873. BING OG PETERSEN. Bestemmelse af den rationelle Arbeidslön samt nogle Bemærkninger om Oekonomiens Methode. Nationaloekonomisk Tidsskrift. Förste Bind, p. 296.
1873. MARCHAND (J.) Recherche sur la méthode à adopter pour la discussion des éléments de la statistique. Journal des Actuaires français. T. ii, pp. 58-78 et 251-263.
1873. PETERSEN, FREDERIKSEN, etc. Nationaloekonomisk Forening. Diskussion om Oekonomiens Methode. National-oekonomisk Tidsskrift, Maanedsskrift for Oekonomie, etc. Andet Bind, p. 248.
1873. POCHET (Léon). Géométrie des jeux de Bourse. Journal des Actuaires français. T. ii, pp. 153-160.
1873. LEFÈVRE (H.) Physiologie et mécanique sociales. Journal des Actuaires français. T. ii, pp. 211-250 et 351-388.
1874. WALRAS (Léon). Principe d’une théorie mathématique de l’échange. Mémoire lu à l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques (Séances des 16 et 23 août 1873).
Orléans. 8vo. 24 pp.
1874. JEVONS et WALRAS. Correspondance. Extrait du Journal des Economistes (numéro du 15 juin 1874).
Paris. 8vo. 8 pp.
1874. BOCCARDO (Gerolamo). Dizionario Universale della Economia Politica e del Commercio.
Milano. 8vo.
1874. LEFÈVRE (H.) Principe de la Science de la Bourse. Méthode approuvée par la Chambre syndicale des Agents de Change de Paris.
Paris. 8vo. 113 pp.
1874. WALRAS (Léon). Éléments d’économie politique pure, ou théorie de la richesse sociale. Premier fascicule.
Lausanne, Paris et Bâle. 8vo. viii, 208 pp.
1874. ZANON (Giovanni Antonio). Sulla teoria matematica dello scambio del professore M. L. Walras, lettera al professore Alberto Errera. Estratto dalla Rassegna di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio.
Padova. 8vo. 7 pp.
1874. LETORT (Charles). De l’application des mathématiques à l’étude de l’économie politique. L’Economiste français, 31 octobre 1874, p. 540.
1874. D’AULNIS DE BOUROUILL (Johan). Het Inkomen der
Maatschappij. Eene Proeve van theoretische Staathuishoudkunde.
Leiden. 8vo. xiii, 215 pp.
1874. LEFÈVRE (H.) Physiologie et mécanique sociales. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iii, pp. 93-118.
1874. DORMOY (Emile). Les matières premières. Etablissement des coefficients d’élaboration. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iii, pp. 142-162.
1874. AVIGDOR (Septime N.) Question d’économie sociale. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iii, pp. 300-306.
1874. MARCHAND (J.) Recherche sur la méthode à adopter pour la discussion des éléments de la statistique. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iii, pp. 307-325.
1875. JEVONS (W. Stanley). The progress of the mathematical theory of Political Economy, with an explanation of the principles of the theory. Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. Pp. 1-19. 8vo. (Read Nov. 11, 1874.)
1875. DARWIN (George H.) The Theory of Exchange Value. Fortnightly Review. New series. Vol. xvii, pp. 243-253.
London. 8vo.
1875. BOCCARDO (Gerolamo). Del metodo in economia politica. Estratto dal Giornale degli Economisti.
Padova. 8vo. 23 pp.
1875. BOCCARDO (Gerolamo). L’économia politica odierna come scienza le come ordinamento sociale. Introduzione generale alla Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
a série, pp. 1-43.
1875. ERRERA (Alberto). Appunto bibliografico. Éléments d’économie politique pure par Léon Walras. Estratto dal giornale La Perseveranza.
Milano. 18mo. 16 pp.
1875. BOCCARDO (Gerolamo). Dell’ applicazione dei metodi quantitativi alle scienze economiche, statistiche e sociali. Saggio di logica economica. Prefazione al 2° volume della Biblioteca dell’ Economista. Pp. i-lxxii.
1875. WHEWELL (W.) Esposizione matematica di alcune dottrine di economia politica. Due Memorie. Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
a serie. Vol. ii, pp. 1-65.
1875. COURNOT (Agostino). Ricerche intorno ai principii matematici della teorica delle ricchezze. Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
a serie. Vol. ii, pp. 67-170.
1875. JEVONS (W. Stanley). La teorica dell’ economia politica.
Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
a serie. Vol. ii, pp. 173-311.
1875. NEWCOMB (Simon). North American Review, No. CCXLIX. Review of Cairnes’s Logical Method of Political Economy.
1875. PIERSON (N. G.) Grondbeginselen der Staathuishoudkunde.
Haarlem. 1875-76. 2 vols.
1875. ACHARD (M. A.) Influence des taxes qui frappent les obligations sur leur prix d’après un taux déterminé. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iv, pp. 70-74.
1875. FONTANEAU (E.) Principes de chrématistique. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iv, pp. 75-83 et 151-172.
1875. LAURENT (H.) Démonstration simple du principe de M. Menier. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iv. pp. 84-87 (also printed in Menier’s Théorie et Application de l’Impot sur le Capital. 2
me Ed.
Paris. 1875. 12mo. Appendice, pp. 607-612).
1875. FONTANEAU (E.) De la valeur. Journal des Actuaires français. T. iv, pp. 175-199 et 267-277.
1875. FALCK (G. von). Die Thünensche Lehre vom Bildungsgesetz des Zinsfusses und vom naturgemässen Arbeitslohn.
Leipzig. 55 pp.
1876. WALRAS (Leone). Un nuovo ramo della matematica. Dell’ applicazione delle matematiche all’ economia politica. Estratto dal Giornale degli Economisti.
Padova. 8vo. Vol. iii. Fascicolo N. I. Aprile 1876. 40 pp.
1876. WALRAS (Léon). Equations de l’échange. Equations de la production. Mémoires lus à la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. (Séances des 1
er et 15 décembre 1875, 19 janvier et 16 février 1876.)
Lausanne. 8vo. 66 pp.
1876. ZAMBELLI (Andrea). La teoria matematica dello scambio del signor Leone Walras. Lettera diretta al prof. Errera dott. Alberto.
Padova. Gr. in-8. 28 pp.
1876. JEVONS (W. Stanley). The Future of Political Economy. Fortnightly Review, November 1, 1876. Vol. xx, pp. 617-631.
1876. WALRAS (Léon). Équations de la capitalisation. Mémoire lu à la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles (Séance du 5 juillet 1876). 8vo. 40 pp.
1876. FONTANEAU (E.) Chrématistique. Journal des Actuaires français. T. v, pp. 70-96 et 341-365.
1876. MADSEN (C. L.) Den Sandsynlige Lov for den internationale Telegraraftrafik.
Copenhagen. 8vo.
[1876. WESTERGAARD (Harald). Den moralske Formue og det moralske Haab. Tidsskrift for Mathematik.]
1877. MADSEN (C. L.) Nye Undersögelser om Loven for den internationale Trafik. Geografisk Tidskrift. 1
ste Bind, pp. 192-201.
1877. MADSEN (C. L.) Recherches sur la loi du Mouvement télégraphique international.
Copenhague, Paris. 8vo. ix, 68 pp., avec 10 tableaux.
1877. JEVONS (W. Stanley). Le passé et l’avenir de l’économie politique. Les méthodes. Les économistes contemporains. Le political economy club. Journal des Economistes. Mars 1877. 3
e série. T. xlv, pp. 325-342.
1877. WALRAS (Léon). Eléments d’économie politique pure, ou théorie de la richesse sociale. Deuxième fascicule.
Lausanne, Paris et Bále. Pp. 209-407. 8vo.
1877. MOLL (L. A.) Der Werth. Eine neue Theorie desselben.
Leipzig. 48 pp.
1878. WESTERGAARD (Harald). Den Sandsynlige Lov for den internationale Telegraftrafik. Anmeldt af H. W. National-oekonomisk Tidsskrift. Bind xi.
Copenhagen. 8vo.
1878. DU MESNIL-MARIGNY. L’économie politique devenue science exacte ou les libre-échangistes et les protectionnistes conciliés. 3
e édition.
Paris. Gr. in-8. 413 pp.
1878. WALRAS (Leone). Teoria matematica della richezza sociale. Quattro memorie lette all’ Accademia delle science morali e politiche, a Parigi, ed alla Societa Valdese delle scienze naturali, a Losanna. Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
e série. Vol. ii, pp. 1289-1388.
1878. WEISZ (Dr. Bela, of Budapesth, Hungary). Die Mathematische Methode in der Nationalökonomie. Hildebrandt’s Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. Article VI, vol. xxxi, pp. 295-316.
1878. NICOLINI. Un antico Economista Matematica (Ceva). Giornale degli Economisti, vol. viii. fasc. 1. Oct.
Padova. 8vo.
[1878. MADSEN (C. L.), and Westergaard (H.) Correspondence. Nationaloekonomisk Tidsskrift.]
[1878. MADSEN (C. L.) Den sandsynbige Lov og den internationale Telegraftrafik. Nationaloekonomisk Tidsskrift. Bind xi, pp. 171-183.]
[1878. MADSEN (C. L.) On the Law of International Telegraph Traffic. Journal of Society of Telegraph Engineers.
1879. MADSEN (C. L.) Danmarks, Sveriges og Norges Samkvem med Udlandet. 1871-77. 26, xxiv pp. 4to.
1879. VAN DEN BERG (C. P. J.) De theorie van het arbeidsloon.
Utrecht. 35 pp. 8vo.
[1879. S. De la Mesure de l’Utilité des Chemins de fer. Journal des Économistes.]
1879. MARSHALL (Alfred). The Pure Theory of Foreign Trade. The Pure Theory of (Domestic) Values.
Cambridge. 8vo. Privately printed.
1879. MARSHALL (Alfred—and Mary Paley). The Economics of Industry.
London. 18mo. xiv, 231 pp.
1879. WALRAS (Léon). Théorie Mathématique du Billet de Banque.
Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. xvi, 83 pp. 8vo.
1880. WALRAS (Léon). Théorie Mathématique du Prix des Terres et de Leur Rachat par l’État.
Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. xxii, 85. 8vo.
[1880. SCH�FFLER (Hermann). Ueber die Normirung der Einkommensteuer. Vierteljahrsschrift für Volkswirthschaft und Culturgeschichte.]
1880. BERG (C. P. J. van den). The Theory of Wages. Translated from the Dutch. 25 pp. 8vo.
1881. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) Mathematical Physics. An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences. 8vo.
London. viii, 150 pp.
1881. GIDE (Charles). La Théorie de l’économie politique de M. Stanley Jevons.
Journal des Economistes. Nov. Pp. 179-191.
[1881. SACHER (Eduard). Grundzüge einer Mechanik des Gesellschaft. I. Theoretischer Theil.
Jena. 246 pp. 8vo.]
1881. WALRAS (Léon). Théorie Mathématique du Bimétallisme.
Paris. 8vo.
1881. WALRAS (Léon). Mathematische Theorie der Preisbestimmung der Wirthschaftlichen Güter, Vier Denkschriften, etc. Translated by Ludwig von Winterfeld.
1882. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Der zweckmässigste Standort einer gewerblichen Anlage. Zeitschrift des Vereins deutscher Ingenieure.
1882. WALRAS (Léon). De la Fixité de Valeur de l’Etalon Monétaire.
Journal des Economistés. October. 8vo.
1883. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) The Method of ascertaining a Change in the Value of Gold.
Jour. Statistical Society, London, vol. xlvi, pp. 714-718.
1883. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Wirthschaftliche Fragen des Eisenbahnwesens. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung.
1883. WALRAS (Léon). Théorie mathematique de la Richesse sociale. 253 pp. 4to.
1884. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) The Rationale of Exchange.
Jour. Statistical Society, London, vol. xlvii, pp. 164-166.
1884. POYNTING (J. H.) A Comparison of the Fluctuations in the Price of Wheat, and in Cotton and Silk Imports into Great Britain.
Jour. Statistical Society, London, vol. xlvii, pp. 34-64.
1884. WALRAS (Léon). Monnaie d’Or avec Billon d’Argent Regulateur.
Bruxelles. 8vo.
1884. PIERSON (N. G.) Leerboek der Staathuishoudkunde. Erste deel.
1884. WIESER (F. von). Ueber den Ursprung und die Hauptgesetze des wirthschaftlichen Werthes.
1884. HOUDARD (Adolphe). Théorie générale de la valeur. Journal des Économistes.
1884. WICKSTEED (Philip H.) Das Kapitab. A criticism. Today, Oct.
1884. GIDE (Charles). Principes d’economie politique.
1885. WALRAS (Léon). D’une Methode de Régularisation de la Variation de Valeur de la Monnaie. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. 22 pp. 8vo.
1885. SIMON (Alfred) and WALRAS (Léon). Contribution à l’étude des variations des prix. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. 11 pp. 8vo.
1885. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Mathematische Begründung der Volkswirthschaftslehre.
Leipsig. viii, 216 pp. 8vo.
1885. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Das Wesen des Geldes.
Leipsig. vi, 75 pp. 8vo.
1886. GROSSMAN. Die Mathematik im Dienste der National-ökonomie. 1
ste Lieferung. 80 pp. 4to.
1886. NEWCOMB (Simon). Principles of Political Economy. 8vo.
New York. xvi, 543 pp.
1886. BOEHM-BAWERK. Grundzüge der Theorie des Wirtschaftlichen Güterwerts. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik N. F. Band xiii.
1886. PIERSON (N. G.) Grondbeginselen der Staathuishoudkunde Tweede Druk.
1886. FEAUVEAU (G.) Études sur les Premiers Principes de la Science Économique.
Journal des Economistes.
1886. ANTONELLI (G. B.) Sulla Teoria Mathematica della economica politica.
1886. WALRAS (Léon). Théorie de la Monnaie in 8vo. xii, 120 pp.
1886. GROSSMANN (Ludwig). Die Mathematik im Dienste der Nationalökonomie. II Lieferung.
1887. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) On the Method of ascertaining and measuring Variations in the Value of the Monetary Standard. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
1887. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) Metritike, or the Method of measuring Probability and Utility.
London: Temple Co.
1887. AIKIN-KAROLY. Solutions nouvelles de deux Questions Fondamentales d’Économie Sociale.
Revue d’Economie Politique.
1887. LAUNHARDT (Wilhelm). Theorie des Trassirens. Heft. I. Die kommerzielle Trassirung. Second Edition. iv, 112 pp.
1887. HELM (G.) Die Bisherigen Versuche, Mathematik auf Volkswirthschaftliche Fragen anzuwenden.
Ges. Isis. in Dresden. Abh. I. 13 pp.
1887. VAN DORSTEN (Dr. R. K.) Mathematische onderzoe-kingen op het gebied der Staathuishoudkunde. Ar chief
voor politieke en sociale rekenkunde, 1
ste deel, 3
de en 4
de aflevering.
1887. WESTERGAARD (H.) Mathematiken i Nationalökonomiens Tjeneste. In the volume Smaaskrifter Tilegnede A. F. Krieger.
1887. PANTALEONI (Maffeo). Teoria della pressione tributaria e metodi per misurarla. Parte prima Teoria della pressione tributaria. 78 pp.
1888. EDGEWORTH (F. Y.) The Mathematical Theory of Banking.
Jour. Statistical Society, London, March 1888.
1888. WICKSTEED (Philip H.) The Alphabet of Economic Science. I. Elements of the Theory of Value or Worth.
List of works and papers upon Economical Subjects, by the author of the present book:—
1857. Comparison of the Land and Railway Policy of New South Wales. The Public Lands of New South Wales. Articles in the
Empire newspaper, April 7 and June 23.
Sydney, New South Wales.
1862. Diagram, showing all the Weekly Accounts of the Bank of England, since the passing of the Bank Act of 1844, with the Amount of Bank of England, Private, and Joint Stock Bank Promissory Notes in Circulation during each week, and the Bank Minimum Rate of Discount.
London. Sheet, 20 x 30 inches, coloured.
This Diagram represents to the eye all the useful results of tables, containing about 113,000 figures.
1862. Diagram, showing the Price of the English Funds, the Price of Wheat, the Number of Bankruptcies, and the Rate of Discount, monthly, since 1731; so far as the same have been ascertained.
London. Sheet, 20 x 30 inches, coloured.
This Diagram is drawn from tables carefully compiled for the purpose, and containing more than 12,000 figures.
Explanatory Notes and References are appended to each Diagram.
1862. (1) On the Study of Periodic Commercial Fluctuations. With five diagrams. (2) Notice of a general Mathematical Theory of Political Economy. Papers read in the F section of the British Association at the Cambridge Meeting. Report. Proceedings of Sections, pp. 157, 158.
1863. A serious Fall in the Value of Gold Ascertained, and its social effects set forth. With two diagrams.
London: Edward Stanford, Charing Cross. 8vo. 73 pp.
1865. The Coal Question; an Inquiry concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of our Coal Mines.
London and Cambridge: Macmillan & Co. 8vo. xix, 349 pp.
1865. On the Variation of Prices, and the Value of the Currency since 1782. Paper read before the London Statistical Society, May 1865. Journal of the Statistical Society, vol. xxviii, pp. 294-320. With four diagrams.
1866. On the frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market, and the Action of the Bank of England. Paper read before the Statistical Society, April 1866. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xxix, pp. 235-253.
1866. Brief Account of a General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy. (Read at the British Association, 1862.) Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xxix, pp. 282-287.
1866. The Coal Question, etc. Second edition.
London. 8vo. xxvi, 383 pp.
1866. An Introductory Lecture on the Importance of diffusing a Knowledge of Political Economy. Delivered in Owens College, Manchester, at the opening of the Session of Evening Classes, on October 12.
Manchester. 12mo. 35 pp.
1867. Science Lectures for the People. Lecture IX. On Coal: its importance in manufactures and trade. Delivered in the Carpenters’ Hall, Manchester, January 16, 1867. (Science Lectures, vol. i, pp. 128-140.)
1867. On the Analogy between the Post-Office, Telegraphs, and other systems of Conveyance of the United Kingdom, as regards Government Control. Paper read before the Manchester Statistical Society, April 1867. Transactions, 1866-67, pp. 89-104.
1868. A Lecture on Trades’ Societies: their Objects and Policy. Delivered by request of the Trades Unionists’ Political Association, March 31.
Manchester. 8vo. 16 pp.
1868. Lecture on the Probable Exhaustion of our Coal Mines. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Friday Evening, March 13. 8vo. 7 pp.
1868. On the International Monetary Convention, and the Introduction of an International Currency into this kingdom. Paper read before the Manchester Statistical Society, May 13. Transactions, 1867-68, pp. 79-92.
1868. On the Condition of the Metallic Currency of the United Kingdom, with reference to the Question of International Coinage. Paper read before the Statistical Society of London, November. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xxxi, pp. 426-464.
1869. Letter on the Value of Gold.
Economist Newspaper, May 8. Reprinted in the Journal of the Statistical Society of London, December, vol. xxxii, p. 445.
1869. On the Work of the Society in connection with the Questions of the Day. Inaugural Address read before the Manchester Statistical Society, November 10, 1869. Transactions, 1869-70, pp. 1-14.
1870. Opening Address of the President of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics) of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at the Fortieth Meeting, at Liverpool, September 1870. Report. Transactions of the Sections, pp. 178-187. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xxxiii, pp. 309-326.
1870. On Industrial Partnerships. A Lecture delivered under the auspices of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, April 5, 1870.
London, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi. 12mo. 39 pp.
1871. The Match Tax: a Problem in Finance.
London. 8vo. 66 pp.
1871. The Theory of Political Economy.
London and New York: Macmillan & Co. 8vo. xvi, 267 pp.
1874. The Progress of the Mathematical Theory of Political Economy, with an explanation of the Principles of the Theory. Paper read before the Manchester Statistical Society, November 11. Transactions, 1874-75, pp. 1-19, with a diagram. Reprinted in the Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xxxvii, p. 478.
1875. On the Progress of the Coal Question. British Association, Bristol, 1875. Transactions of Sections, p. 216.
1875. The Post-Office Telegraphs and their Financial Results.
Fortnightly Review, December 1, vol. xviii, N. S., pp. 826-835.
1875. La Teorica dell’ Economia Politica, esposta da W. Stanley Jevons. Biblioteca dell’ Economista. 3
n serie, tome ii, pp. 175-311. (Translated under the superintendence of Professor Gerolamo Boccardo.)
1875. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (International Scientific Series, vol. xvii).
London: H. S. King & Co.;
New York: D. Appleton & Co. Post 8vo. xviii, 349 pp.
1876. La Monnaie et le Mécanisme de l’Echange.
Paris: Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie. (Bibliothèque Scientifique Internationale, vol. xx.) 8vo. viii, 288 pp.
1876. Geld und Geldverkehr.
Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus (Internationale Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek, xxi Band). 8vo. xvi, 359 pp.
1876. La Moneta et il Mecanismo dello Scambio.
Milano: Fratelli Dumolard. (Biblioteca Scientifica Internazionale, vol. vi.) 8vo. xxix, 319 pp.
1876. On the United Kingdom Alliance and its Prospects of Success. Paper read before the Manchester Statistical Society, March 8. Transactions, pp. 127-142.
1876. On the Frequent Autumnal Pressure in the Money Market, and the action of the Bank of England. Paper reprinted from the Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 1866, in the Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society. Appendix, pp. 17-41.
1876. The Future of Political Economy. Introductory Lecture at the Opening of the Session, 1876-77, at University College, London. Faculty of Arts and Laws.
Fortnightly Review, December, vol. xx, pp. 617-631. (See also Appendix I, 1877, Jevons.)
1877. The Silver Question: A Paper read by Hamilton A. Hill, of Boston, before the American Social Science Association at Saratoga, September 5.
Boston: Published for the Association by A. Williams & Co., pp. 26-32. Reprinted in the
London Bankers’ Magazine, December. 7 pp.
1878. Science Primers—Primer of Political Economy.
London: Macmillan & Co. 18mo. 134 pp.
1878. L’Economie Politique, par W. Stanley Jevons, traduite par Henri Gravez, Ingénieur.
Paris: Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie. (Bibliothèque Utile, vol. xliv.) 18mo. 184 pp.
1878. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange.
London: C. Kegan Paul & Co. Fourth edition.
1878. The Periodicity of Commercial Crises and its Physical Explanation. Paper read before the F section of the British Association at the Dublin Meeting, August 19. Report. Transactions of Section F, p. 666. Published in the Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, August, 1878. Vol. vii, pp. 334-342.
1878. Commercial Crises and Sun-spots. Article printed in
Nature of November 14, vol. xix, pp. 33-37.
1878. Remarks on the Statistical use of the Arithmometer. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. xli, pp. 597-601.
1879. Methods of Social Reform, No. II. A State Parcel Post. Article in the
Contemporary Review of January, vol. xxxiv, pp. 209-229.
1879. Sun-spots and Commercial Crises.
Nature, April 24, vol. xix, pp. 588-590.
1881. Bimetallism. Article in
Contemporary Review of May, vol. xxxix, pp. 750-757.
1884. Investigations in Currency and Finance. Edited, with Introduction, by H. S. Foxwell, M.A.
London: Macmillan & Co. 8vo. xliv, 414 pp.