The True Story of the Oil Crisis of 1973-1974

On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. The Soviet Union supplied the Arab nations and the United States backed Israel. On October 16, with the war going badly for Egypt and Syria, a group of Arab oil producing countries retaliated, raising oil prices by 17% and announcing production cuts. The ‘Oil Crisis’ had begun. On October 19, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) proclaimed an embargo of oil exports to nations supporting Israel. By the end of the embargo in March 1974, the global oil price had quadrupled, from $3 per barrel to nearly $12 per barrel; US prices were significantly higher. 

When, in 1974, American inflation hit 11%, many blamed the ‘oil shock’. John Kenneth Galbraith later wrote that “Four factors were at odds with American economic well-being” in the 1970s, one of which was “the highly specific matter of energy prices” which “became an inflationary force in the economy as a whole.” More recently, J. Bradford DeLong argues that:

Because oil was the key energy input in the world economy, the shock of these price increases reverberated throughout the world, and eventually they would lead to the double-digit annual inflation of the late 1970s.

This is a common explanation for the high inflation of the 1970s. But is it correct?

Both Galbraith and DeLong concede that inflation was rising before the oil shock: from 1.6% in 1965 to 5.9% in 1970. It was one of the ills Marvin Gaye sang about on 1971’s ‘Inner City Blues.’ 

On August 15, 1971, President Nixon announced, “I am today ordering a freeze on all prices and wages throughout the United States.” Galbraith blamed “the continuing pressure of wages on prices and prices on wages – the now-tedious wage-price spiral,” without explaining how consumers could simply swallow the higher prices generated by this supposed spiral. DeLong gets closer. Originally imposed for 90 days, controls remained in place until shortly after Nixon’s reelection in November 1972, and he writes that “…the supply of money greatly outran demand, and as Nixon’ price controls were lifted, inflation accelerated ever upward.” Milton Friedman would have substantially agreed.    

This inflation meant that the dollar was, Robert Bartley wrote, “depreciating against oil, against gold, against foreign currencies, and against nearly everything else.” Under the Bretton Woods system, dollars were convertible into gold at $35 per ounce. As the dollar depreciated, people began swapping their dollars for gold. Besides imposing price controls, August 15 also saw Nixon ‘close the gold window,’ suspending the redemption of dollars for gold and freeing the currency from the last vestiges of the discipline of the gold standard. 

This inflation also meant that, with oil priced in dollars, oil producers were receiving a depreciating asset in payment for their product. Bartley explained that:

…in 1969, a barrel of oil was worth almost 1/12 of an ounce of gold. At world prices in 1972, a barrel of oil was worth almost 1/16 of an ounce of gold. On the eve of “the first oil shock” a barrel of oil was worth 1/26 of an ounce of gold.

In September 1973, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) issued a resolution “concerning the recent international monetary developments and their adverse effect on the purchasing power of the oil revenues of Member Countries,” noting that “these developments have resulted in a de facto devaluation of the United States dollar, the currency in which posted prices are established.” They resolved to adopt:

…ways and means to offset any adverse effects on the per barrel real income of Member Countries resulting from the international monetary developments as of 15th August 1971.

This they did. “In the first half of 1974,” Bartley wrote, “after “the shock,” a barrel of oil was worth almost 1/12 of an ounce of gold,” just as it was in 1969. 

The oil shocks were, then, more a consequence than a cause of the inflation of the 1970s. 

The notion that they were the causes was, however, politically useful. As Galbraith noted, 

…for those who wished to shed personal responsibility for the poor performance of the American economy, the political convenience was compelling: it was more than agreeable to attribute the blame to the Arabs.

Little has changed. In April, 2022, President Biden claimed that a war which began in February 2022 was responsible for “70 percent of the increase in inflation” which began in May 2020. As a track from 1973 put it, ‘The Song Remains the Same.’  



David Seltzer
Oct 19 2023 at 1:21pm

Well done!

Oct 20 2023 at 2:00am

Biden has been in politics long enough to have offered his opinion and explanation for that episode of inflation as well. You’ll be shocked:

“As much as five or six percentage points on the inflation rate were due to oil. Another five percent was due to Vietnam. And so you have ten or eleven percent on top of the inflation that had accumulated since 1932, as conservatives had predicted, and BAM–everything’s gone.”

So said Biden when he ran for President in 1988. Notice the implication: The inflation rate in 1974 was 11%-according to Biden, five or six percentage points from oil, five from Vietnam-which leaves zero left to be “the inflation that…conservatives had predicted” from monetary and fiscal expansion.

Jim Glass
Oct 23 2023 at 10:49pm

This is the first time I’ve seen cartel pricing behavior described as being merely defensive, to defend against loss of purchasing power. Almost like they are such sweet innocents, only trying to avoid being victimized. Instead, I always heard that cartels, like all other businesses, set their prices as high as possible, regardless of inflation or the price of minerals or anything else. Indeed, that the very reason cartels form is to eliminate competitive behavior to maximize market power and so set prices even higher yet! No?

inflation also meant that, with oil priced in dollars, oil producers were receiving a depreciating asset in payment for their product. …The oil shocks were, then, more a consequence than a cause of the inflation of the 1970s.

Well, let’s see the data. The inflation adjusted price of oil, after gradually declining since the 1950s, more than doubled from mid-1973 to January 1974, doubling its prior all-time high, then doubled again in mid-1980 — the second oil shock. In our dollars that’s a run from $25 to $146, up 486%*. As that is that much over inflation, it looks to me like my old textbooks said: classic profit maximization. Call me luddite non-heterodox, but it’s hard for me to see this as a mere defensive response to inflation to protect against loss of purchasing power — i.e., being caused by inflation. Really? If so, that cartel there kinda accidentally overshot the target, much to its own benefit, accidentally.

(*The current dollar price went from $3.50 to $39.50. Up > 1,000%.)

[DeLong:] Because oil was the key energy input in the world economy, the shock of these price increases reverberated throughout the world, and eventually they would lead to the double-digit annual inflation of the late 1970s.

Or maybe not so much, as the USA is not the whole world.

USA: Inflation went from 3.3% in 1972 to 11% in 1974, to 5.7% in 1976, to 13.5% in 1980. Yup, up into double digits.

Germany: 5.5% in 1972, all the way to 7% in 1973, down to 2.7% in 1978, up to 6.3% in 1981. Roughly steady, never near double digits.

Japan: 4.8% in 1972, way up to 23% in 1974, then straight down to 3.7% in 1979, 7.8% in 1980, and only 2.7% in 1982, below where it started.

I lived through those price shocks (my first employer paid out my pension account to me in CDs paying 15%) and don’t see any reason to change now the opinions I had then:

(1) OPEC jacked up prices to maximize protifts just like cartels do, especially when given a political excuse (“WAR!!”), and

(2) The inflation effects in different countries varied greatly in line with the different monetary policies their central banks followed. As ever. Even in countries far more dependent on OPEC oil than the US was. (Germany and Japan).

Just call me old fashioned.

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On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. The Soviet Union supplied the Arab nations and the United States backed Israel. On October 16, with the war going badly for Egypt and Syria, a group of Arab oil producing countries retaliated, raising oil prices by 17% and announcing production cuts. The ‘Oil Crisi...

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