December 2024 ISSUE

Freedom in Hong Kong: The Sweet and the Sour

By Alvin Rabushka

Economic Freedom in Hong Kong The Fraser Institute's 2024 Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) report,1 its most recent edition, ranks Hong Kong as the world's freest economy in 2022. Since the first report in 1995, Hong Kong has invariably ranked first, with a ra...

Cost and Choice: Insights for Choosers

By Byron Carson

A Liberty Classic Book Review of Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory, by James M. Buchanan.1 In less than one hundred pages, James Buchanan excoriates economists—classical and modern—for their unrecognized confusions about cost. More than an in...

Seeking Truth versus Seeking Esteem

By Arnold Kling

So we have a way of telling which political activists actually care about society and which are merely trying to portray themselves as caring: The ones who actually care will exert significant effort to make sure that their beliefs are correct. —Michael Hue...

Democracy’s Opportunity Cost

By Janet Bufton

A Book Review of Democracy for Busy People, by Kevin J. Elliott.1 Kevin J. Elliott's 2023 book, Democracy for Busy People, is for anyone interested in liberal democratic politics. The book is worthwhile for classical liberals in particular because it handles topi...

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