February 2025 ISSUE

An Economic Approach to Homer’s Odyssey: Part II

By Tyler Cowen

The Polities of The Odyssey In the previous article, I outlined what an economic approach to reading Homer's epic, The Odyssey,1 might look like. I also noted that what most strikes me about The Odyssey is Homer's treatment of comparative political regimes. Looking...

The Market Society Is a Pro-Social Society

By Walker Wright

Human beings are inherently pro-social creatures. Aristotle went so far as to refer to us as political animals, driven by our nature to create associations that culminate in the broader community of the polis. And our capacity for reciprocity, trust, and cooperation...

The Psychology of Authoritarianism

By Arnold Kling

... [those] who score high on the authoritarianism scale agree that (italicized words are direct quotes from the scale) our country needs a mighty leader; that the leader should destroy opponents; that people should trust the judgment of the proper authorities, avoi...

Undoing Past Policies: How Likely Are Repeals in the 119th Congress?

By Jordan Ragusa

After every presidential election, including the most recent, the new majority wants to repeal a list of previous regimes' policy enactments. Political observers always look to the next two years, wondering what to expect from the party in power. With the 2024 elect...

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